We have been feeding and watching a monarch caterpillar for over a week. He appeared to have a bit of trouble figuring it out, but at last he climbed to the top of the butterfly container and has now become a beautiful green chrysalis. It looks like a little green jewel box with gold dots on one side. We are counting the number of days to see how long it takes for him to emerge as a butterfly.
We have discussed what a life cycle is and specifically what the life cycle is of a butterfly. We made a picture to show this cycle. Ask your child to tell you the butterfly life cycle and why it is called a life cycle.
Kindergartners have worked extensively on patterns, specifically on AB, AAB, ABB and ABC patterns. We have also talked about the penny and looked at one closely using a magnifying glass.
The school is pushing for 100% parent participation at conferences this year. If you have not responded in regards to your conference time, please do so.
Our classroom still does not have a room parent. If you are willing to help out in this way, please let me know.
We love to have volunteers come in the mornings to listen to children read. This is very helpful because each reader is on his/her own level; there are no reading groups.
The Arts' Backpack started going home with Kindergartners this week. The backpack holds the necessary materials and instructions for an interactive family art activity based on an art activity we did the first week of school. Be creative and have fun.